Daytime UFO’s Sävedalen, Sweden March 2012
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Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Project Bluebeam and HARRP Explained !
This was transcribed in December , 1995. Certain names and phrases were
indiscernible but do not detract from the content. This is one of the most
important expos�’s of 1995!
The International Free Press Network is not a religious group, neither a
political organization, but an independent, worldwide investigation press agency
in the field of politics, economics, medical, and military. We specialize in
investigating and publishing special reports and audio tapes to expose the
underworld of the United Nations conspiracy to implement a New World Order. Our
task is to make the people realize that the coming up of a New World Order is
not a dream; neither a paranoid attack. It is a real, Satanic undergoing
project. For what? To abolish all Christian traditional religions in order to
replace them by one world religion based on the cult of abolish all
national identity and national pride in order to establish a world identity and
world pride. To abolish the family as known today, in order to replace it by
individuals all working for the glory of one world destroy all
individual artistic and scientific creative works, to implement a world
government with one mind set. That kind of declaration of war from the United
Nations is for the implementation of a universal and obligatory membership to
the United Nations as transcending of the United Nations by multi-military and
multi-police force, a worldwide justice department, through the United Nations
with an international tribunal, a worldwide new trade agreement for all nations,
the end of Cold Ware, of local war like it is today, and the obligation for
coexistence for peace, and also a new world religion and new world culture for
all men.
If we really wish to understand the NASA Blue Beam Project and where it came
from we have to go back to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Remember that
song? That song said, when the moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns
with Mars, and peace will guide our planet, and love will steer the stars...This
related with the year 1982 to be at the time the opening for the conspiracy of
the Age of Aquarius, just before the implementation of the New World Order
supposed to start at that time in 1983. I have to say that the NASA Blue Beam
Project was set up for the year 1983. It has been delayed at that time...we
don’t know exactly why, but since 1983 (11 years), they really improved
themselves with new technology into space, that enables them right now to make
their space ships possible. So, the goals of the New Age movement under which
the United Nations operates right now are the implementation of a new world
Messiah; the tools of the new world government are multi-national
international army, an international police force, a world bank for the economy,
a world government under the United Nations, a world conservatory bank for
wilderness around the world. That means...that’s all green movements will be
melded into this new international bank or will disappear. A world religion,
where all church doctrines will be destroyed at the roots, to be replaced by the
new religion of the Age of Aquarius. The world seven-race classification for
all men and women—the new paradise they said—where everybody will have a
pre-determined work to fill out, whether they agree or not. The world
concentration camp headquarters at the United Nations for those who will not
accept the new system. The world agriculture and food supply control which will
control food and vitamin supplies all around the world. The New World Order
will be an in-between government system from all USSR, Great Britain and its
Commonwealth, and the actual United States with its melting-pot population.
This is, at the end, a new spiritual-political world order which will replace
the old one in which we live right now.
What are the New World Order plans? They plan the destruction of all people who
believe in the Bible, who worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance
of Christianity. To achieve this plan, the New World Order will change nations’
laws in order that Christian religious beliefs and symbols, like the cross for
instance, will become outlawed...unlawful. Holy Friday, Easter and Christmas,
for instance, will be replaced by New Age festivities around the world. The New
World Order plans also the abolition of all currencies and the transfer to
electronic cash through the Super Highway—what we call also the Electronic
Highway—the thinkers and the basic doctrine books of the New Age conspiracy for
the new world government are—and listen to those people...the names of those
people...because all the new way of thinking of the New World Order are from
those people, those authors who wrote different kinds of books, which are the
basic beliefs of the New Age movement—Elena Petrovna Blavastki, who wrote Isis
Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine; Alice A. Bailey, who wrote The Race and
Decision and the Externalization of the Iraqui; also, Initiation Human and
Solar, the Reappearance of the Christ (their Christ is the new Messiah); the
Destiny of the Nation, in which they plan what they’re going to do with the
actual nation-state; the Unfinished Autobiography, Discipleship and the New Age;
Esoteric Psychology (that’s the writing of Alice Bailey, very important for all
New Age thinkers, who are exactly the ones who plan the New World Order.
Also the writing of Nicola Roerich...wrote Meitraiya —that’s their new Messiah;
Shambala the Resplendent; the Agni Yoga series. Also the writing of David
Spangler, who wrote Revelation, the Birth of a New Age, considered as a bible
inside the New Age movement; Reflections on the Christ, which is related to the
Luciferean initiation; Links with Space(?), which relayed a supposed to be big
spatial in which big aliens are supposed to come save men. Relationship and
Identity, the laws of manifestation; New Age Rifts; and Toward a Planetary
Vision, which is directly related with the New World Order, as they plan it to
Now what those people also plan—and as I said before, this is not a dream and
not paranoid thinking...this is real—so they plan to accept the New World Order,
people will have to accept first the new world religion. To enter into the new
world religion, the Christians will have to abdicate their own beliefs, so as
they said—especially Benjamin Cream, David Spangler, Alice Bailey, Elena
Petrovna Blavatski—all said that the initiation will be on a world basis, inside
the new organized Christian church and as a Masonic lodge, and other occult
organizations. It will be based on a Luciferean initiation, so what we have to
understand here is it won’t be possible for somebody who will hold tight to his
own Christian belief to get into the New World Order. That will be impossible.
For those who will not accept the New World Order—who will reject it—the New
Agers...the New World Order people, which is the same, plan concentration camps,
reeducation camps, and for those camps they made what is known to be the rainbow
color classification of the New World Order prisoner. The rainbow is considered
as the bridge symbol leading to the Satanic world of the New World Order. We
already do know, for instance, that everybody will have to take an oath to
Lucifer with a ritual initiation in order to cross that bridge into the New
World Order. All who resist that initiation, as they plan, will be definitely
sent to a detention facility where they will be separated into different
categories. That’s what they call the rainbow color classification of the New
World Order prisoner. Classification of Christian children, as they plan it,
are to be used as human sacrifices where within the Black Mass ceremonies they
will participate in any kind of sexual orgies...some to be kept as sexual
slaves. Classification 2, which is the classification of prisoner to be used in
medical experiments, where drugs and new technologies will be tested on humans.
The third classification is the classification of healthy prisoners for the
international human organ center, where their vital organs will be removed one
by one while they are maintained in life with special life support systems.
Classification 4 for all healthy underground workers. The New World Order is a
basic worldwide dictatorship based on the Luciferean religion. A dictator with
the appearance of an international democracy. In order to maintain that
democracy illusion, camps and slave labor will be hidden from the population of
the earth. Just remember, for instance, how Hitler covered up the maternity and
the concentration camp at his time. The fifth classification is the
classification of uncertain prisoners and the international reeducation center,
where they will be reeducated in order to repent on worldwide television and
where they will learn how to glorify the virtues of the New World Order for
humanity. Classification 6 is the international execution center. We’re still
waiting for details on the seventh reclassification, as well as for proof on the
color classification for each prisoner section.
Those people...this is what they plan in their new “paradise” world. You have
to understand that when I decided to release—about six months ago—some tiny
parts of information concerning their most secret project, which is the NASA
Blue Beam Project, I was not sure at that time if I would survive my stand
against the New World Order’s most sophisticated project set up to put down on
their knees all men of all nations, cultures and religions, but now, following
my own Christian conscience, my real and deep love for all my unknown brothers
and sisters in America and others parts of the world, I freely accept to give my
life, if it has to be the case, for the truth, for Jesus Christ, by releasing
for the first time ever the four major steps of the Satanic NASA(?) Blue Beam
Project. What I ask to everyone who will hear and read the description
following is not to be paralyzed by their natural fears but to spread everywhere
the content of that 90-minute tape and to gather together in order to pray, to
think and to plan different ways that they will organize themselves to survive
the New World Order’s government showdown and power-taking. What we have to
understand is the new world government won’t be something permanent, immortal.
This is not the case. But what we have to do and what we have to think right
now is how to organize ourselves to survive such Satanic plans.....[music
Now the famous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps, four parts
toward the implementation of the new world religion with the anti-Christ at its
head, and we must remember that the new world religion is the basic foundation
for the new world government. Without that new world religion, such government,
such worldwide dictatorship is completely impossible. That’s why the project is
not only so much important for them but was so well kept secret until now.
The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. It deals
with the set-up of earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, where
supposedly new discoveries will finally explain for them the wrong meaning of
all major religions’ basic doctrines. This falsification used to make the
population believe that all religious doctrines have been misunderstood and
misinterpreted has already started with the filmed psychological preparation for
the population for that first step, has been prepared through films like “2001:
A Space Odyssey,” the series “Star Trek,” “Star Wars,” which deal with space
invasion and space protection, and the last film, “Jurassic Park,” dealing with
the theory of evolution. Now which is important to understand in that first
step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world, where
scientists and archaeological teaching have been teaching in the past were
supposedly hidden secrets. By those kinds of earthquakes, it would be possible
for them to rediscover again, supposedly, those kinds of secrets, and those
secrets are meaning to discredit all the religions’ basic doctrines. This is
the first preparation for their plan for humanity because what they want to do
is to throw down, to shake up the belief of all Christians on the planet. To do
that, they need some false proof, supposedly from the past and from the far past
that will prove to men and women that their religions are false.
The second step deals with the gigantic spatial with three-dimensional, optical
holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to
different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to
predominating regional, national and religious faith. These new god’s images
will be talking in all languages. To understand that, we have to go back a
little bit in different secret services research done in the last 25 years.
Like this one: The Soviets have manufactured the advanced computers, or even
imported them, and fed them with minute data particulars based on their studies
about the anatomy and biology of the human body and the studies about the
anatomy, the chemistry and electricity of the human brain. These computers were
fed, as well, with the different languages and their meanings. The dialects of
people have been fed from the computers through satellites. The Soviets started
to feed the computers with objective programs, like the Messiah. It
also seems that the Soviets know the New World Order personnel’s recourse to
suicidal method with the human society by allocating an electronic wave on every
mind for many persons in different societies.
There’s two different things in that second part: the spatial and where does
that spatial come from? The spatial...the holographic imagery...will be used in
a simulation of the ending in which you are given scenes which focus on
fulfillment of that which is desired for you to protect, to fit the needs of
those adversary happenings. The result of this deliberately staged false Christ
will be for the implementation of a new universal religion. Enough truth will
be foisted off on us to hook us into the lie. The project has the ability to
take up a whole bunch of people as in a rapture(?) type of situation and whisk
the whole bunch into never-never land. The calculated resistance(?) to the new
world religion, the New World Order and the new Messiah will be human lust on a
massive scale and the ensuing holy wars. The NASA Blue Beam Project will
pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old, as major an
event as that which took place 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use
of the sky as a movie screen, a space-based laser-generating satellite projects
simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and
every dialect according to region. It deals with the religious aspect of the
New World Order and is a large-scale seduction. Computers will coordinate the
satellites, and software will run the show-and-tell holography, is based on very
nearly identical signals combining to produce an image, or hologram, with depth
perception which is equally applicable to ELF, VLF, and LF waves to optical
phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projection of multiple
holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different
images according to predominating regional, national and religious faith. Not a
single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects
appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various
creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly, convincing,
lifelike realness. Then the projection of the Christ, of Mohammed, Buddha,
Krishna, etc., will merge into one after characterization of the mysteries,
prophecies and revelation will have been disclosed. This one God will in fact
be the anti-Christ, who will explain that the various Scriptures have been
misunderstood, that the religions of old are responsible for turning brother
against brother, nation against nation. Therefore, the world’s religions must
be abolished to make way for the golden New Age of the one world religion
representing the one God, anti-Christ, in this instance they see before them.
Naturally this superbly staged falsification will result in social, religious
disorder on a grand scale, including millions of programmed religious fanatics,
through demonic possession cases on a scale never seen before. In addition,
this event will occur at a time of great political anarchy and general tumult at
this age of something big. The United Nations, even though, plans to use the
fabricated sound of joy as the official anthem for the New World Order.
If we put this spatial in parallel with the “Star Wars” program, we get this: a
combination of electromagnetic radiation and hypnosis have also been the subject
of intensive research. In 1974, for instance, researcher G. F. Sha.... said of
one of these research proposal, “In this investigation it will be shown that the
spoken word of the hypnotist may also become varied by modulated electromagnetic
energy directly into the subconscious part of the human brain, without employing
any technical device for receiving or transporting the message and without the
person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information in
thought consciously. It may be expected that they rationalize their behavior
and consider it to be undertaken out of their own free will.”
Anybody investigating so-called channeling phenomena right now would be wise to
take this area of research into consideration. It is interesting to note the
fact that the number of people who consider themselves channelers has escalated
rapidly since this type of research was conducted. It is uncanny how similar
their messages are, regardless of which entity they claim to be the source of
their divine guidance. It would suggest that any individual considering the
content of channeling information should be discerning and critically evaluate
where the message they are receiving or considering is empowering or would serve
to make beneficial to the New World Order. The Sydney Morning Herald published
an item on March 21, 1983. The article states that a paper entitle, “The Soviets
Are Invading the Human Mind,” has been submitted to the newspaper’s foreign
editor by Dr. (Undistinguished), assistant professor in the faculty of
agriculture department. It is worth quoting the article at length, even though
its grammar is a little old.
This articles relates with the Soviets who manufactured the advanced computers
previously mentioned, which is really important because these kinds of computers
can be run through satellites into space. The computers were fed, as we said,
as well with the different languages and their meanings, the dialects of people
being fed from the nature through satellites. The Soviets started to feed the
computers with objective programs. Today we’re not talking about Soviets, we’re
talking about the United Nations, the New World Order people. They’re the ones
who feed the computers right now with objective programs. Also, the editor of
the column in which the article was printed even stated, “We think it makes
points too important to ignore.” I think that is a conservative way of putting
it. One disturbing possibility, given all the information we have at hand, is
that the individuals involved in this potential mega-mind control operation
could themselves be programmed and not even be aware that they are conducting
such an operation. Now figure out how far they can go right now.
These techniques push us toward the third step of the NASA Blue Beam Project,
that goes along with the telepathic electronic two-way communication where ELF,
VLF and LF waves will reach the people of the earth by the inside of their
brain, making each one believe that his own God is talking to him from within
his own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memory of computers
which store a lot of data about human beings and their languages. These rays
will then interlace and interweave with the natural thinking to form what we
call diffused artificial intelligence. That kind of technology goes into the
1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s research, where the human brain has been compared to a
computer...information is fed in, processed, integrated...and a response is then
formulated and acted upon. Mind controllers manipulate information in the same
manner as a computer programmer manipulates information. In January 1991 the
University of Arizona hosted a conference entitled “The NATO Advanced Research
Workshop on Electronics and Emerging Phenomena and Biomolecular Systems.” What
does that mean exactly? That means this: If we refer to one paper that was
delivered at the conference, stood out for its different attitude toward the
development under discussion at that time. It was, in effect, a protest and a
chilling warning to the attending scientists about the potential abuse of the
research findings. Now, what that paper means and states: It states that the
United States has developed communication equipment which can make the blind
see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. It can relieve the terminally ill of all
pain without the use of any drugs—and I’m not talking about science fiction
here. A man might retain the use of all his faculties up until the day of his
This communications equipment depends on a new way of looking at the human brain
and neuromuscular system and sending a radiation pulse at ultra-low
frequencies. Some of this equipment is now operational within the Central
Intelligence Agency (the CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It will
never be used to make the blind see and the deaf hear and the lame walk, because
it is central to the domestic political agenda and foreign policy of the former
president Bush. Domestically the new communications equipment is being used to
torture and murder persons who match profiles imagined to be able to screen a
given population for terrorists, to torture and murder citizens who belong to
organizations which promote peace and development in Central America, to torture
and murder citizens who belong to organizations opposed to deployment and use of
nuclear weapons, and to create a race of slaves called automatons, or what is
popularly called, the Manchurian Candidate. Overseas experimentation is taking
place on hostages held by the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia,
Germany, Finland, and France. In addition, there has been a long series of
bizarre suicides among British computer scientists, all of whom had some
connection to the United States Navy.
What is possible to ask here, in front of such a psychology of terror, is this:
Would any government, corporation or psychiatrist willfully promote such horror
today? The answer is quite obviously, yes. Government agencies and the
corporations that work with them toward New World Order are prepared to promote
anything that will help them to achieve their objective of total social
control. As for the question of why, for one thing, if you terrify the public
and make them fear for their safety, they will allow you to implement draconian
law enforcement practices, disarm them, and keep extensive records on them.
They only have to tell you that’s all in order to protect you, of course.
Secondly, it promotes the decay of the current form of democratic political
system and leads societies to search for alternatives to the current political
methodology. Of course, the alternative has already been planned. It is called
New World Order, and it won’t have your safety or interests at heart. As George
Bush said, “Read my lips.”
Fear has always been used by powerful allies to control and subjugate the
masses. The old maxim, “Divide and conquer,” is being played out to the limit
in every corner of the planet to ensure that everybody is frightened for their
personal safety and scared or suspicious of those around them. This, too, is
called mind control.
Now to go a little bit further in that new technology, which is at the basis of
the NASA Blue Beam Project, we have to consider this quote from psychologist
James V. McConnell, which was published in a 1970 issue of Psychology Today. He
said, “The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drugs,
hypnosis, and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost
absolute control over an individual’s behavior. It should then be possible to
achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that
would allow us to make dramatic change in a person’s behavior and personality.”
When we talked before about the kind of rays and the telepathic electronic
two-way communication, the kind of rays which are fed from the memory of
computers which store a lot of data about the human being and the languages, we
said that the people of the earth will be reached inside their brain, making
each one believe that his own God is talking to him from within his own soul.
We refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking...that same
psychologist added, “We should reshape society so that we all would be trained
from birth to want to do what society wants us to do. We have the techniques to
do it. No one owns his own personality.” This quote is really important,
because it is also a basic teaching from the United Nations that no one owns his
own personality. The same psychologist also adds, “You have no say about what
kind of personality you acquire and there is no reason to believe you should
have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old one is
anti-social.” This is important...that kind of declaration here, is that the
New World Order will be set up over the old one. That means that the old way of
thinking—the way we think right now—our behavior, our religious beliefs, would
be considered by those people as old thinking and an old way of living. They
will have to change it. The reeducation camp of the United Nations, to make
sure that people who have for them an anti-social behavior (which is today a
natural one) will be reeducated in a way to have the new behavior to fulfill the
needs of the New World Order.
Might it be the largest mind-control project ever? Because the NASA Blue Beam
Project is also for the implementation of a new world religion, a mind-control
project. So I would suggest you examine the evidence carefully before you
disregard this possibility.
Now if we go further in the different reports we have here, we find this. The
mind-control operation and technology include a transmitter which broadcasts at
the frequency of the human nervous system, which system is manufactured by the
Loral Electro-Optical Systems in Pasadena, California. Loral, a major defense
contractor, has previously conducted research on directed energy weapons for Lt.
General Leonard P (Indistinguishable) of the U.S. Air Force, who was searching
for a weapon to implant messages into the minds of the enemy and to urge his own
troops on to superhuman deeds of valor. The device employs electromagnetic
radiation of gigaherz frequency, pulse at extremely low frequency ELF. It is
used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance. Weapons of
this type are thought to have been used against a British woman protesting the
presence of American cruise missiles at a U.S. Air Base during the 70’s. This
weapon can be used to induce total sensory deprivation by broadcasting a signal
into the auditory nerves at such high power that it blocks the victim’s ability
to hear himself think. The device has taken the concept of the old phrase,
“It’s so noisy in here, I can’t hear myself think,” and turned it into a
powerful weapon of terror. The process employed by such ELF technologies is
described in various U.S. Department of Defense publications, including one
entitled, “The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict,” by Capt.
Paul E. Tyler, Medical Doctor, United States Navy, which is included in a
collection entitled, “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology,” edited by
Lt. Col. David G. D (Indistinguishable), United States Air Force. The paper was
delivered in 1984 and the collection published in 1986 by Air University Press,
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
Another pulse microwave device can deliver audible signals directly to an
individual while they remain undetectable to anyone else. The technology is
very simple and can be built using an ordinary police radar gun. The microwave
beam generated by the device is modulated at audio frequencies and can broadcast
voice directly into the brain. Here we come for the NASA Blue Beam Project, as
we were talking about it at the beginning. The telepathic, electronic two-way
communication from space goes exactly with that kind of technology. I repeat
here, the microwave beam generated by the device is modulated at audio
frequencies and can broadcast voice directly into the brain. In his book, The
Body Electric, Nobel prize nominee Robert Baker describes a series of
experiments conducted in the early 1960’s by the U.S.Army, where this phenomenon
was first demonstrated, as well as later experiments conducted in 1973 at the
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Jules F. C. Sharp, who personally
underwent tests in which he proved he could hear and understand spoken words
delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulse microwave
audiogram, an analog of the word sound vibration beamed into his brain. Baker
then goes on to state: “Such a device had obvious application in covert
operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetectable
instruction to a programmed assassin.
Now figure out when we talked about that new Messiah from space, who would be
talking to different religious and faith people on the earth by the inside, who
would give such kind of instruction to designated, if not all, people...what
kind of possession case and kind of social disorder on a large scale ever seen
before, we would see everywhere on the planet. A 1978 book entitled Microwave
Auditory Effect and Application, by J. C. Lim, explains how audible voice can be
broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could be used to make the
deaf hear, but instead it has been turned against the public. Lim also reports
that he could speed up, slow down, or stop isolated herz by synchronizing the
pulse rate of a microwave beat with the beat of the earth itself. According to
Robert Baker, similar results have been obtained using live frogs, indicating
that it’s technical feasible to produce a heart attack with a ray designed to
penetrate the human chest. I should mention also that Baker does not
participate in such research.
It has been demonstrated that focused ultra-high frequency (UHF) electromagnetic
energy beams can be used to induce considerable agitation and muscular activity
or induce muscular weakness and lethargy. Microwaves can also be used to burn
human skin and internal organs and enhance the effect of drugs, bacteria and
poisons, or effect the functioning of the entire brain. These effects were all
studied at length by the CIA. On September 21, 1977, in testimony before the
Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, Dr. Sydney
(Indistinguishable), who directed the ELF program at that time, was forced to
discuss aspects of the CIA’s research to find a technique for activation of the
human organs by remote electronic means. So this is something that exists right
now, that has been pushed to its highest degree, and that can be used from space
through satellite to reach anybody on the planet.
If we go a little deeper in that kind of process, mind control over the people,
we find this for the year 1988: The equipment...the technology...that kind of
technology of mind control of people...has been used to influence politics in
much more direct fashion. Michael Dukakis, the Democratic presidential
candidate running against George Bush in the 1988 U.S. election, was targeted
with microwave technology in order to impede his public-speaking performance
once the opinion polls showed he posed a threat to Bush’s election prospects.
He also claims that the equipment was used against Kitty Dukakis and drove her
to the brink of suicide. In the Disneyland world of U.S. politics, a
presidential candidate with problems such as these to deal with obviously stands
to lose the race for the White House.
What I can add here about those kinds of new mental battlefields that will be
used in the NASA Blue Beam Project to implement the new world religion is this:
In the December 1980 edition of the U.S. Army Journal, which is called Military
Review, an article by Lt. Col. John B. Alexander entitled, “The New Mental
Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock,” provides further insight into the technical
capabilities now at the disposal of the controllers. He writes: “Several
examples will demonstrate areas in which progress has been made: The
transference of energy from one organism to another, the ability to heal or
cause disease can be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or death
for no apparent cause; telepathic behavior modification which includes the
ability to induce a hypnotic state up to distances in excess of 1,000 kilometers
has been recorded. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential.
This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious
knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate, lives
and does not even require a phone call. Today, mind-to-mind thought-induction
techniques are being considered. If perfected, this capability could allow the
direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind or group of minds to
a select target audience. The unique factor is that the recipient will not be
aware that thought has been implanted from an internal source. He or she will
believe the thoughts are original.” This is exactly what we were talking about
in the third step of the NASA Blue Beam Project called the telepathic electronic
two-way communication. The article continues: “If it is possible to feed
artificial thought into the humans genetic field via satellite, mind control of
the entire planet is now possible.” An individual’s only resistance would be to
constantly question the motivation behind his tasks and not act upon thoughts
that he considered to be outside the boundaries of his own ethical and moral
boundaries. Once again, it is wise to consider how television, advertising and
various forms of social pressure are constantly being used to manipulate those
Another thing which is really important here, dealing with that kind of
technology, is this: It has been reported by Lt. Col. Alexander who said, in
the summary of this Military Review article, “The information on the kinds of
technologies presented here will be considered by some to be ridiculous, since
it does not conform to their view of reality; but some people still believe the
world is flat.” This means a lot, because if people do not believe that kind of
technology could be possible, or this kind of technology we’re talking about is
just science fiction, those people put themselves in jeopardy, because when the
night of the thousand stars will shine from space, during that night, when the
new Messiah and the new world religion will be implemented on the planet, those
people won’t have time to prepare themselves. They will not be prepared to
preserve themselves against such a kind of technology. That’s why they put
themselves in jeopardy, because they don’t believe, they don’t take time to
prepare. This is something really dangerous.
Now we’re going to talk about the fourth step of that NASA Blue Beam Project.
The fourth step concerns the universal supernatural manifestation with
electronic means. It contains three different orientations. One is to make
mankind believe that an alien invasion is about to strike down on each major
city of the earth in order to push each major nation to use its nuclear weapons
to strike back. This way it would put each of these nations in a state of full
disarmament in front of the United Nations after the false attack. The second
is to make the Christian belief to a major rapture with the supposedly divine
intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the good people from
a brutal Satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition
to the New World Order. The third orientation in that fourth step is a mixture
of electronic and supernatural forces. The method used at that time will allow
supernatural forces to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable (the one used
for cable television.), electric and phone lines, in order to penetrate
everywhere on electronic equipment. Appliances will already be installed with
microchips. The goal of this one deals with global, Satanic ghosts and specters
all around the world in order to push all the population to the edge, to drown
it into a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorder. Then
after that night of the thousand stars, humanity is believed to be ready to
implore any new Messiah to reestablish peace everywhere at any cost, even at the
cost of abdication of freedom.
What is interesting to notice here: The technique used in that fourth step is
exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept
communism. The same technical way will be used by the United Nations to
implement the new world religion and the New World Order. A lot of people ask
me when this is going to happen and how they are going to do it, which are the
steps? They’re going to set up before that night of the thousand stars,
according to different research and different reports that we get, they are
thinking right now of an economic crash, not a complete crash that would put
down all the economy but an economic crash that would force them...that will
also help them as a pretext to come up with an in-between currency. That means,
a new kind of currency that would be in-between the currency we have right now
and the electronic cash. What they want to do with the in-between currency is
to force everybody who has some money in reserve, everywhere, to spend that
money, because they consider that they will have problems to implement the New
World Order if somewhere there are some independent people who can survive by
So they have to put the people in a way to force them to spend
everything...absolutely everything they have. That’s why they want to start
with a kind of organized economic crash, to put on a new currency. After that,
they’re planning to put, on a worldwide basis, the electronic cash. But right
now, it is not possible for them to put that electronic cash, since the
Superhighway (what we call also the Electronic Highway) is not yet ready and
implemented all over the planet. To implement the electronic cash worldwide,
they have to have finished the implementation of the Superhighway everywhere.
For people who are wondering what the Superhighway is exactly, it is an
electronic, sophisticated way to control directly the people in every home where
it will be implemented or installed. At that stage, the control...the political
control of everybody on the planet will be possible.
To prevent any kind of independence from the people, we have to remember that
the New Agers...the New World Order people...will do anything to make sure that
everybody, before the year 2000, will have spent all his personal and reserve
cash or goods. To prevent also any kind of independence, the New World people
have already started, all over the planet, to put into birds, fish, wild
animals...microchip implants. Why? Because those guys want to make sure that
for the people who not accept the New World Order, they won’t be able to fish
and hunt everywhere, because if they would try in the wilderness to make some
hunting and fishing, and they would catch a fish or an animal with a microchip
implant, they would be traceable by satellite absolutely everywhere. Those same
people, to make sure of full control of everybody are changing laws of different
countries right now to make sure they will have full control of the vitamins.
They are also changing laws right now about religion and also about psychiatric
disorders, in order to consider anybody with a violent potential as somebody who
has a psychiatric and has to be put in a clinic to be reeducated. If you keep
in mind that this New World Order, new world government, is a worldwide
dictatorship, you cannot forget that a dictatorship will do everything possible
to make sure they will be in a position to control anybody, anywhere on the
planet. That’s why the kind of new technology they are developing right now,
everywhere, is a technology of control of the people. If you take, for
instance, the technology that we had in the 1940’s and the 1950’s...that kind of
technology was made to help the people for an easier life. But the new
technology, if you take time to look at computers, microchips, new microchip
cards, notice—and this is evident—you notice that all that
technology is built in a way to track down and control anybody everywhere. As
that kind of technology is made in such a way, it’s made also for a purpose. To
refuse to see that purpose is not to want to see the evidence of a new kind of
political power that wants to establish itself all over the planet.
At the end of this conference, I want to apologize for everybody for my
difficulties, my problems with English speaking, because as a Canadian
journalist, I’m also from the eastern part of Canada, which is French-speaking
country. I hope that even if I had problems of pronunciation or a French accent
in my speaking...I hope that it will be possible for everybody at least to
understand the meaning of this conference and also the real meaning of the NASA
Blue Beam Project. I ask everybody everywhere who will be make
everything possible to spread the words everywhere about that kind of new
technology which exists right now into space and which exists for the purpose of
implementing the new world religion which is also the basic foundation of the
New World Order government.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
The Enfield Poltergeist

The Mother pushed it back in place only for the chest to immediately move forwards again! The family were kept awake all night long with strange noises and knockings. The following morning, exhausted, the family went into the neighbour's house and described the nights events.
Vic Nottingham the neighbour went into the house to see if he could fathom what was going on. He too heard the noises, and says that the knocking followed him from room to room. This was the beginning of a year long period in which during the early stages, the family experienced more knocking on the walls, lego bricks and marbles being thrown around aggressively, and more movement of furniture.

It was later to take an even more terrifying turn, when a cast iron fireplace would be torn from the wall, fires would ignite and extinguish themselves spontaneously, and Janet would be thrown out of bed, and made to levitate. One of these incidents were witnessed by two passers by, who stopped in amazement to watch Janet levitating horizontally in her bedroom window, whilst toys were swirling around in the air behind her!
They were frightened out of their wits and the Mother was at such a loss of what to do that she called the police. When they arrived on the scene they witnessed a chair lift up in the air, which as it came to rest shot 4ft forward across the floor! The police even wrote a statement to this effect. The Newspapers were called and a senior reporter for the Daily Mirror went to interview the family. She also witnessed strange events. It was then suggested that paranormal investigators should be brought in. And so began an intensive study that was to last for many months with paranormal researchers, Maurice Grosse and Guy Lyon Playfair.
Below is a recording made by investigator Maurice Grosse who is talking to the entity through Janet (aged 11)
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
poltergeist activity
The word "poltergeist" came from the German word "poltern," which means to "rumble", "bluster", or "jangle", and "geist," which means "spirit." "Poltern" can also be used in describing an act of speech: speaking loudly and abrasively. Although poltergeist literally means "noisy spirit," a poltergeist is neither a spirit nor a ghost according to paranormal and parapsychology experts. Usually described as an invisible force and entity, the nature of poltergeists has long been a subject of debate within paranormal circles.
Poltergeists differ from what is normally thought of a ghost. Ghosts are usually considered to be, possibly, the spirits of dead people who can be our loved ones watching over us or the trapped and tormented spirit of a murder victim perhaps seeking just for their life being taken. An apparition of a group soldiers trapped in that final battle, or even the lost lonely little child seeking her mother…not understanding that her time has passed. Generally, these spirits pass through unaware that we even exist for perhaps we are as ghosts to them in their realm of reality.
Poltergeists on the other hand are a different sort of spirit, or entity that has little to do with the typical haunting. These particular spirits seem to be able to interact with the material world sometimes with malevolent force such as the case back in the late 1970's in England. A scientist by the name Vladistav Bukreev witnessed the harrowing and terrifying period of an English family living in London during the time period of 1977- 1978. They were plagued by severe poltergeist activity.
Dr. Bukreev saw showers of stones and bricks come down inside the house and the windows were smashed to pieces by the objects being flung through them by an unseen hand. Things would float through the air, and blood, water, and other liquid substances would pour from the walls and ceilings. The family suffered what appeared to be bite or claw marks on their bodies. The two young girls were lifted up into the air and moved around with no apparent support. For just under a year the family endured the harrowing experience but finally fled for fear of their lives leaving everything behind.
Below is a video i have complied from a case in the UK in 2001 this video is just a small case of such activity :
The word "poltergeist" came from the German word "poltern," which means to "rumble", "bluster", or "jangle", and "geist," which means "spirit." "Poltern" can also be used in describing an act of speech: speaking loudly and abrasively. Although poltergeist literally means "noisy spirit," a poltergeist is neither a spirit nor a ghost according to paranormal and parapsychology experts. Usually described as an invisible force and entity, the nature of poltergeists has long been a subject of debate within paranormal circles.
Poltergeists differ from what is normally thought of a ghost. Ghosts are usually considered to be, possibly, the spirits of dead people who can be our loved ones watching over us or the trapped and tormented spirit of a murder victim perhaps seeking just for their life being taken. An apparition of a group soldiers trapped in that final battle, or even the lost lonely little child seeking her mother…not understanding that her time has passed. Generally, these spirits pass through unaware that we even exist for perhaps we are as ghosts to them in their realm of reality.
Poltergeists on the other hand are a different sort of spirit, or entity that has little to do with the typical haunting. These particular spirits seem to be able to interact with the material world sometimes with malevolent force such as the case back in the late 1970's in England. A scientist by the name Vladistav Bukreev witnessed the harrowing and terrifying period of an English family living in London during the time period of 1977- 1978. They were plagued by severe poltergeist activity.
Dr. Bukreev saw showers of stones and bricks come down inside the house and the windows were smashed to pieces by the objects being flung through them by an unseen hand. Things would float through the air, and blood, water, and other liquid substances would pour from the walls and ceilings. The family suffered what appeared to be bite or claw marks on their bodies. The two young girls were lifted up into the air and moved around with no apparent support. For just under a year the family endured the harrowing experience but finally fled for fear of their lives leaving everything behind.
Below is a video i have complied from a case in the UK in 2001 this video is just a small case of such activity :
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